Thursday, January 28, 2016

Real Complaints List Fifteen Guaranteed Methods to Get a Man to Chase You

If it’s true that men are programmed to chase women and women are wired to receive them, how

do you, as a woman, get a man to chase after you? Real Love Complaints is here for you with this list

of guaranteed methods to make a man want you.

1. Be Receptive but Proactive

You need to master encouraging a man without actually initiating things. Instead of giving him your

number suggest to him that if he asked you for it you would give it to him. That way whether he gets

it or not is still up to him. Real Love Complaints wants you to know that it’s an aggressive act to just

give him your number. Aggression is the realm of the hunter, the pursuer. They don’t go after other

hunters. You need to be the prey instead, but you can still be proactive about it. This also enables

you to keep your femininity when the two of you are together and avoid any real love scam.

2. Be Appreciative of Your Man

A man gives to you by giving his time, opening doors, and paying for dates. Always show him how

appreciative you are of him for doing this. This encourages them to do it more often too.

3. Be Sure to Thank Him in Real Life

If you enjoy the date and want to say thank you for it then thank him in person. Don’t wait until after

you’re home to say it. Tell him thank you at the end of the date, not after it.

4. Be True to Who You Are

The first thing that attracts a man is who you are. Your femininity is what inspires a man to chase

you. Real Love Complaints wants you to understand that you should never play games with men or

pretend to be something you aren’t.

5. Guys Dig Self-Confidence

The second thing that attracts a man to a woman is her confidence. Don’t underestimate how

attractive self-confidence is!

6. Don’t be Too Revealing

Real Love Complaints know how easy it is to overwhelm someone with information. Understand that

there really is a time and place for everything, including sharing intimate information. That time,

however, is not likely to be the first few dates.

7. Be Sure to Tell Him how You Really Feel

Real Love Complaints want you to show how much you appreciate a guy with genuine feelings. Being

genuine like this is something that really attracts a man.

8. Keep the Mystery Alive

No matter what a guy says he doesn’t need to know your every move throughout the day. He

doesn’t need to know where you are and who you are with every second.

9. Don’t Make Him Your Life

If you had a life before you met your man you should still have one afterwards. When you stop doing

the things you love because you’re in a relationship you’re telling the man that he is your life now.

You shouldn’t put that kind of responsibility on the shoulders of someone you barely know.

10. Flirt With Him

Don’t underestimate the power of looking a guy in the eyes for a good five seconds and flashing him

your most charming smile. Real Love Complaints know this is one small technique that really works.

real love complaints

11. Don’t Give Him too Much

Real Love Complaints know that the more you give a man the less he will give you in return, and the

less he feels like pursuing you. Let the man be the first to call you and let him text you first. While

you should be available for dates you should let him set them up. That kind of action is something a

hunter should do. When you initiate contact you take away his incentive to come after you. Being

gracious and accepting of the gifts a man gives you is one of the ways you can give to him. It also

allows him the room that he needs to chase after you.

12. Wait a Few Minutes to Respond

Answering a call on the first ring or answering a text immediately is a predictable action you should

avoid. Instead give him some time to make you wonder what you were doing and create an air of

being unpredictable.

13. Let Calls Last as Long as They Need To

Real Love Complaints ask that you be patient in a phone call. A man talking to you shows interest

and the longer he takes to ask you out, the more interested he is in doing it. Take your time and give

him fifteen minutes before giving up on him asking you out.

14. Keep your Texts Concise

You shouldn’t respond with more words in a text than the one the man sends you first. It goes back

to not giving too much of yourself away. Make him curious about you.

15. Sit Back and Relax

Letting the relationship take its course is perhaps the hardest step for a successful woman to take.

Workplace success relies on excelling in primarly male traits like taking charge. Real Love Complaints

know this makes it hard for successful women to be feminine in a relationship.

Even though something like this sounds really old fashioned it’s a tried and true technique that still

works. Men are motivated by getting results in work and life. Men have to believe that they really

earned the things in their life, including you.

Don’t be afraid to just relax and enjoy being pursued. Remember to let the relationship take its

course and progress at its own pace.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Real Love Complaint - What does Love Like?

The Look of Love

Real Love Complaints says, "When we first begin to date a new interest we view that person in a very unique way, especially if it is someone that we haven't known for some time in a non-romantic way such as a peripheral friend or coworker.  Since we don't know much about that person, other than the fact that we are deeply attracted to him or her, the mind tend to fill in the blanks itself.  Most often, unless you  are particularly scarred by past traumas, the mind fills in those gaps with what we would like the person to be like.  In essence, our mind makes them into the person we want them to be."

This phenomenon just becomes more pronounced throughout the infatuation stage of a relationship.  As the expression goes, we walk around with "stars in our eyes" and have no complaints.  Unfortunately, those stars can prevent us from seeing that we may have real love complaints. 

The mental act of seeing your ideals in another person is called projection.  Much like a movie projector cast the images from a film strip onto a screen so that you can no longer distinguish the screen itself, we project out desires onto the person we are infatuated with, obscuring important facets of who that person really is. 

In a sense, without any real love complaints, this emotional illusion is wonderful.  It allows us to feel the tingling excitement, the burning passion, the delicious ache of new romance.  The tendency to project plays a major role in developing human relationships.  For some, the projections are massive and sweeping, essentially reshaping the other person from the ground up.  For others they are very minor and take the form more of glossing over faults rather than actually giving the other person characteristics that he or she doesn't actually have. 

Whether the projection of infatuation are great or small, one thing is absolutely certain beyond any doubt.  Without fail or complaints, those projected characteristics will fade.  Eventually the raging hormones dwindle and the deluges of dopamine and norepinephrine subside.  It is then that we begin the transition from infatuation to real love, if that actually connection has been made.

Unfortunately, projection works both ways.  There is a negative side, a real love complaint.   Most often, the negative aspect of projection is equal to the degree of positive projection that occurred during the infatuation phase.  It starts with feelings of hurt, disappointment and, ultimately, resentment that the other person failed to live up to the unrealistic expectations that you placed on them.  This, in and of itself, is enough to end many relationships.

Real Love Complaints

If the relationship does endure, it enters into the  stage of negative projection.  You begin to project your own flaws, the faults in yourself that bother you the most, onto the other person.  This phase can last much longer than the positive projection phase of infatuation does.  In fact, some couples never move past this phase and continue it indefinitely not having any real love complaints.  

However, in a truly healthy relationship both sides will eventually realize that those negative projections are not any more realistic than the ideal projections of the infatuation period.  When we accept that we are projecting things we need to change in ourselves we can begin to grow personally and as a couple, as real love.  It is then that we finally are able to see our now long-term partner as they truly are - a necessity for a loving, healthy relationship.  This, then, is the true "look of love".

Saturday, January 9, 2016

The 3 Day Rule - Real Love Complaints Reviews It

Everyone has heard the old rule- you never call someone before three days after getting the number. However, how good is that rule, really? Actually, not very good at all. There are a number of reasons that the Three Day Call rule just does not work out very well and Real Love Complaints reviews it now.

First of all, you swapped numbers or got a number because this person was interested in getting to know you and possibly dating. In waiting three days, you are essentially making that person wait for three days to find out if you are also interested, and that can be nerve wracking. There is no need to put someone through three days of wondering if they did the right thing in giving you their number.
Real Love Complaints asks what should you do when you call someone up for the first time? The answer is easy. Casual conversation, light and friendly. There is no real pressure here, you are just getting to know someone, and potentially make a new connection. The less nervous you are, the better but you will likely find that as the conversation wears on, you become much less nervous.

Some people are wary of asking someone out on the first phone call, also but there is again, no need for that. Often, giving a phone number or exchanging phone numbers is simply an ice breaker to be able to get a date. So, if you feel like you are ready to ask this person out- do so. The chances are good that is why they gave you their number in the first place.

If the person answers and "cannot talk right now", do not be put off- this is usually because they honestly cannot talk, other wise, they would not have given you their number in the first place. Simply ask if they want you to call back later and when would be better, or if they would prefer to call you. Doing this ensures you are not sitting around, waiting and wondering what you should do- which, if you were nervous about the phone call in the first place can sometimes be made worse by being told "not right now". Do not let this get to you, it usually is not personal. There are sometimes when it may be a brush off- generally speaking if you tried once, got told they could not talk, and then can't get an answer? That's a pretty good sign that they weren't interested, but if someone isn't going to be up front with you, you probably don't want to be dating them anyway.

So basically, Real Love Complaints says these college rules on dating- the phone rule is out. Do not worry so much about looking over eager- when someone gives you their number, they do so because they want to hear from you in the first place. So go right ahead and call when you want to, and you may just find yourself getting to the first date.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Talking to Women in Bars - Some more Real Love Complaints

Talking To Women In Bars

Every one has been there, with the loud music, the crowds. You're standing at the bar when you notice someone who also seems to be feeling the same way. This can be a little tricky because there are a number of clichés about bars and in general- it's hard to make a connection.  Just a few real love complaints we hear.  However, there are a number of ways of not only getting someone's attention but striking up a conversation that may be really helpful. It is not necessarily true that you cannot meet someone fun at a bar, or that the bar is where it has to end.  It also does not mean you have to spend half your paycheck on drinks that night, either.

Here's a tip to stay away from those real love complaints, if she is racking up your card with drinks on your tab- you may want to steer clear of her. She may or may not go home with you that night, and if that is what you're looking for, more power to you. If you are looking to meet someone who perhaps could lead to more, it may be a better idea to stagger drinks a little bit. Buying someone drinks isn't a bad thing, but it's something that you have to really take into moderation- if you buy too many drinks you may come across as trying to get her drunk and that's not really where you want to go with it.

Buying a drink is possibly the best way to get someone's attention in a bar, and it's also nice. Many women know that going to a bar means they're going to get drinks bought for them, so how do you know what to order for her and when? If you're both waiting for the bartender, when she puts in her order, try covering the cost. If she walks away after that, the chances are good she wasn't someone you would really want to be around, anyway, but most people will at least have a conversation with you at this point.

Another great thing is dancing- now it can be very hard to talk while dancing but once the song is finished, you may want to suggest getting a drink. If you can't speak over the music, gesture towards the bar- nine times out of ten, you will get what you're looking for in that. It is really hard to talk in bars where the music is up loud but it can be done and it should be- if you attempt to get her to go some place quieter, you may find that looks a bit bad, so just try to adapt to the noise level where you are.

It is almost always a bad idea to do this more than a couple of times, but "do a shot with me?" is another good way to get talking with someone in a bar. It would be a real love scam doing it more than a few times may invite the wrong impression.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

First Date Impressions Last

When you're getting ready to have that critical first date with someone , it is important to make sure that from your head to your toes, you're making a great first impression.  There is no reason to have real love complaints. There are a number of things to consider, whether you're the one planning the date or you're the one just going along- and it's key to having a second date knowing them.

If you're the one planning the date, be sure that you are making it some place not too intimidating. It may be tempting to really wow someone, but on the first date it needs to be some where more casual, more comfortable to put the other person at ease. A good tip for this is make it some thing along the lines of a walk in the park, or a trip to a museum. Both of these places offer plenty of options in the way of being able to talk to one another, and are entertaining. Basically, make it some place casual and open, so that your date isn't feeling stifled or worrying over much what to wear. Another tip would be to make sure that you let your date know what you are going to be doing in advance. This prevents them from perhaps wearing the wrong thing which can cause awkwardness and embarrassment and real love complaints.

If you are the one that is being taken on the date, a good idea would be to find out where you're going ahead of time- if your partner hasn't already told you. Being able to tailor your clothing to the environment and occasion is pretty important. Showing up over dressed is never fun, nor is showing up dressed too casual for whatever outing you may be going on.  Generally speaking, though if you don't know, go with business casual. Something not too dressy but also not too casual should be fine in situations like this.

On the date, you should try to do your best to relax. Some times this can be hard, but it is definitely better if both people can put aside their nerves and just get to know each other better. Being yourself is another very important thing- this prevents surprises later on and helps you to come across as being more genuine, and more open. Some times if you are nervous, it's best just to say so, a little self deprecating humor actually can be a great ice breaker. It is always best to go with honest when it comes to things, but a little tact also helps a great deal. Keep everything in balance and the date should go fairly smoothly.

If you follow these tips, and stay away from Real Love Scam, you will find that the first date goes a bit smoother than you think it will. Again, remembering that the person asked you out because they wanted to go out with you, or accepted for the same reason may help you to get rid of the nerves and really have an enjoyable time.

Real Love
6767 N. Wickham Rd #400
Melbourne, FL 32940
(321) 270-7828

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Real Love Complaints Women Have For Men Dating Online

Men have some pretty bad habits when it comes to online dating.  Learn how to stay away from a Real Love scam. Women are really beginning to get fed up by it. So it’s way past time men changed their online dating behavior. The following are nine main complaints. 

  • Expecting Too Much

It’s impossible to deny that men want a great looking girl. The problem is that regular women feel they can’t compete against these really attractive women. Not to mention that supermodels aren’t on dating sites anyway. 

Studies show that the vast majority of messages sent to women on dating sites go to the women that are the most attractive. The thing is that the men sending these messages aren’t male models themselves. Real Love complaints have heard from women who feel that men should set their expectations to realistic levels. 

  • Going Too Young

Real Love complaints also hear from women that men will always try and date someone younger than they are. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that, but it does leaver some women high and dry. Not to mention there just aren’t enough younger women to go around and the ones that are there are getting sick of being hit on by older men. 

It’s been shown that men find 21 to be the most attractive age. But if they really want to have success dating women online they need to adjust their standards and aim to date someone closer to their own age. 

There are also benefits to dating someone your own age. You have similar amounts of life experience and maturity. It’s also true that even women feel young at heart and can have the same amount of energy as you. There are older women who feel a lot younger and they’d like a chance too. 

  • Being Too Hesitant

Women can become very annoyed when men don’t make a move on them and just look at their profile. Real Love complaints recommend that if men really do like a woman they find, they should stop looking and start talking. If both genders took it on themselves to make the first move online dating would be a lot easier. 

  • Being Too General

Another complaint is that men come across as uncaring by sending general, and often annoying, messages. A woman spends a lot of time putting her profile together. She wants to show off who she really is. When a man reads all that, then just sends generic messages, it conveys disinterest. Make your opening message something about them and their profile. 

  • Poor Picture Choice

A complaint about online dating made by both men and women is that pictures are often misleading. Men also use old and bad quality ones. The pictures on a mans profile tend to be out of date and blurry. Or they are pictures of other people or things they own, like the car they’re really proud of. Make your picture a nice, clear, picture of you. No hats, no shades, just your face and body. 

  • Bad Spelling And Grammar

No one likes people who make obvious grammar and spelling mistakes. You come across as lazy and unintelligent when you use things like text speak and don’t type out messages properly. There isn’t a woman in the world turned on by that. 

  • Laziness

Real Love also hear a lot from women who find that men are far too lazy in their messages. They send generic and bland messages that are obviously sent to a bunch of women in the hope one of them bites. No woman will though, because they know what it is. Make the greeting unique to the girl and put some effort into it. 

  • Trying To Be Too Sexual

Women aren’t interested in sex right off the bat. You need to take talking to someone online as slowly as you would in the real world. You wouldn’t expect a woman to be interested in talking to you if you talked about sex right off the bat. The same rules apply online. 

  • Not Listening When A Woman Says “No”

The final complaint Real Love hear is that men have a real hard time leaving a woman alone when she tells them no. Even worse they become confrontational and resort to name calling. Women want to deal with a man who is nice to them, and sweet. By responding to a woman like that you just prove her right. You’re a bad person and she shouldn’t have to deal with that. 

Luckily all of these problems can be recognized and avoided. It’s not difficult to behave properly online. When you do that, you’ll have a lot more success when dating online. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Real Love Looks At The Difficulty Of Finding Love On Your Own

One of the best things you can do in life is find love and the person you’re meant to spend the rest of your life with. Even so there are a lot of things standing in the way and Real Love knows that there are things you need to be aware of to make finding love a safe journey. We’ve laid out some advice that enables you to make finding love as fun as it is rewarding. 

Real Love Complaints says Don’t Rush Things

One thing you definitely need to understand is that it can take time to find the right person. It’s a very common complaint that Real Love receives. It’s a complaint that is pretty grounded in reality too. A person can spend far too long dealing with the people that aren’t right for them. This may cause you to give up hope but you should never do that! The person who is right for you could be around the corner. If they aren’t around that corner, then they could be behind the next one. Understand that love takes time, and never give up on finding it. 

Safety First

Real Love complaints can also not underestimate the importance of staying safe. We live in a society where it’s very hard to trust people, especially people you don’t know. There’s nothing wrong with thinking about your own safety and security. You should make sure that the person you’re about to meet is someone that you trust enough to spend a few hours alone with them. You should also consider trying to fact check anything a potential date says, as they can make up all manner of things about themselves. We here at Real Love want you to have a fun and safe dating experience. If you’re really nervous about meeting a stranger then let someone else know where you are and check in with them every so often. 

Don’t Forget To Be Yourself

With how difficult it is to meet new people you need to be the best you that you can be right away. You need to nail that first impression and come out of your shell more if you happen to be shy. Real Love recommends getting some advice from your friends and family about how to be more open with your date and to not be so nervous. Remember that you’re there to relax and have fun. In the end all you can do is be your best. If they don’t think that’s good enough then don’t despair; someone else will. 

Spread Yourself Out More

The chances of finding that ideal person right away are pretty slim. You could be looking in entirely the wrong places. You should never commit to just one place to find a date. For example if you rely on your family and friends to set you up then consider online dating if you’re having bad luck. One good thing to try is joining a club where you’ll meet people with similar interests. Though Real Love do warn that you need more than just one common interest. Still, it’s a good place to start. When you look for the right person don’t just search in one place. You can’t find them if you aren’t looking where you can see them!

There’s No Need To Waste Time

There are people who really do feel a spark when they meet someone. Even if you don’t you’ll realise pretty quick whether a relationship has a chance of working or not. If you have trouble talking with someone and your instincts are telling you they aren’t right for you, then don’t waste your time with them. You’re also wasting their time too. It’s better for both of you to just move on. As we said earlier it takes time to find someone, so don’t waste it with someone you aren’t interested in. Real Love know that you can’t create something from nothing. If there’s nothing there then there won’t ever be. 

By far the biggest complaint that Real Love receive is that finding love takes up a lot of your time. That’s why you need to do everything you can to find love. This means knowing how to take your time when you have to, and knowing when it’s better to just cut someone off. It also means putting your safety first. Everyone eventually finds love; it’s just a matter of time. Never stop believing that you deserve love and that it will come your way. 

Real Love Complaints
6767 N. Wickham Rd.  #400A
Melbourne, FL  32940
(321) 270-7828